Monday, Feb. 17, 2003: 7:46 p.m.

Okay, so this has nothing to do with your mother.

Well we had a half day today. Ever since I came home I've been like, "I'll post in a minute... I'll post in a minute... I'll post in a minute..." Well let me tell you that's been quite a few minutes and I'm just now posting. Jeez louise. Well before I tell you about today, let me tell you about how things with JD went after the last post and Valentine's Day and such matters.

Well I didn't talk to JD for a few days because I didn't want to deal with him. Eventually I stopped him in the hallway and asked if he even wanted to be friends with me or if I was total loser and he of coarse said friends. I gave him a pink oragami hat. Several of my friends told me not to worry about it because he was gay. I've no comment to that whatsoever. Valentine's Day was not a total loss. I made JD a shirt that said "MY PEOPLE ARE CIRCUS PEOPLE" because his parents used to be carnies. I also gave him printed copies of a few posts that I thought spoke well for my person as well as a five page note I wrote him when I was in Puerto Rico and I had debated on whether or not to give it to him. He also recieved a rose from me but several other people got roses from me. Miss Linda and Jessie got a rose, Valentine's Day Debbie Cakes and Barbie candy and a Barbie bracelette. lol. I also made Miss Linda some oragami. Though I got Jack Squatt for Valentine's Day, I felt really good because all my friends are depressed, but I made them feel better by giving them roses. That really made me feel really good. Oh wait, I did get something. Kara gave me a bag full of chocolate and condom and told me of the card that said "How can you hate this holiday? What's better than sex and chocolate?!" She apparently forgot the cards at home.

The weekend: Uneventful.

Today: In first block, we discussed the uber coolness of the original Power Rangers and sang the Reading Rainbow song. I can't believe Hannah actually remembered it. Hannah, by the way, is my uber nifty yet uber odd friend. It's so odd, she's a freshman and an uber Christian, but she's still fucking awesome! In second block, I found out that Hillary is stressing because she thinks she might be pregnant. That's not good. I love Hillary, she's so sweet and nice and I don't anyone that doesn't like her and I hope she's not because that'd be really lame. ;_; At lunch, I had to hear a lot about masturbation... A LOT about masturbation. In third... I don't remember what we did in third... In fourth... we watched a video and answered some questions. That's my boring day in a nutshell. Whateva! Whateva! ...oh, and Cory wrote me a note and it made me happy. I let him borrow The Professional and he liked it a lot and he wants to go buy it and that made me uber happy. ^_^ ...I say "uber" too much and use "..." too much too... that was redundant. I've been very sad, Gandhi's not posted in a while and I want Gandhi to post because he makes me smile. *sigh* Oh, well.

Snort the mooncrack.