Testing My Patience
Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2003: 4:18 p.m.

Nothing of real interest is going on lately. We got our scripts for Drama class. I'm so fuckin' typecast. I always play a damn queen whose fuckin' husband is missin' in action or something. Like, they never want to cast someone to play my husband or something. I rather play a damn rock. I might as well, my character has the personality of one. I'm so tired of hearing Jackie bitch about not getting parts that she wants. Alright, I can deal with her bitching, but not constantly. I'm starting to hate everyone. I already hate Chris because he's an annoying bastard, but I'm having no patience for Ashley lately. I've been trying not to hang out with him because I don't want to not like Ashley, but I can't deal with him lately. But yea. My main beef with Jackie is that she never ever conratulated me on getting cast in Rocky Horror. All she did was bitch about how she wasn't cast and how she didn't know when they would cast A Chorus Line. I can't take it. I'm so tired of trying to make her feel better because of shit that is not my fault, nor my problem. I am sick and fucking tired of it. I mean, I can deal with my friends bitching a little when they get irritated, believe you me. I listen to A LOT of bitching, but that is all she does and I am so fucking sick and tired of it.

Speaking of sick and tired, I was ready to bitch slap this girl, Crusty today. Her name is Chirsty, but we hate her so we call her Crusty. She was mouthing off to me today and we're not going in to it, but I was ready to feed her uterus to her mother with some lima beans and a nice bottle of chardonay. Stupid whore.

Anywho, nothing new. I need to memorize my lines or something. I need to do my homework.

Snort the mooncrack and don't be a bitch.

