You All Suck Nuts (Bitch Switch: On)
Friday, Dec. 09, 2005: 12:28 p.m.

No one here has any sense of adventure and it really pisses me off. Everyone has to �study for finals.� Bullshit. No one studies for finals, and that�s final. No one will every change my mind about that. Everyone says that they will study for finals, but no one actually does it. They are too busy conversing and Christmas shopping; so this shit about studying for finals is a load of crap (shit a load of crap� huh. Aren�t I the articulate one?) No one has anything to do this weekend and I propose going to Wilmington for the weekend, (because God knows, I probably won�t get to go for my fucking Winter Break even though it�s a goddamned month long) and everyone gives me this crock of shit about studying for finals and then goes and fucks off elsewhere. MJ gave me this shit about going home for a Christmas party when she totally went to Maryland because we all know she can�t wait another four days to get up there to fuck her boyfriend. She�s definitely going up there after finals, but she had to go this weekend. What the hell? A good number of people who have flat out told me before that they don�t study are telling me that they are going to spend this weekend in studying. Bullshit. B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T.

I am so fucking tired of not having a goddamned car. Everyone here drives and goes home when ever the fuck they feel like it because they live forty-five minutes to an hour and a half away from home. Well they all suck. So many people have told me that if weekend comes up where we have plenty of time to do whatever, they would take me to Wilmington and they have all fucking lied. It�s as simple as that. Fuck it, just fuck it all.