The Boredom of The Summer Vaction Before College: Part VII
Wednesday, Aug. 03, 2005: 12:23 p.m.

I'm Phil's house for the next few days. This should prove to be most entertaining. We're going to head back home Friday or Saturday. I'm going to spend the majority of my time here doing what I usually do here: burning CDs, playing "Grand Theft Auto III" and staying in a fierce state of drunkeness. However, Phil has a new computer... well at least a different computer, complete with webcam. However, the webcam is only good for taking pictures and working with Yahoo! Messenger. No one I know is on Yahoo! Messenger, they're all on AIM. So a lot of this time is going to be spent trying to make it work. However, I did take this great picture of me earlier. I think it's kinda surreal and entirely cool.

Oh yea.

I know it's kinda big, but I still think it rules.

So I'm trying to download some songs to make a CD, but the program Phil has is ASS. In order to fill the void, I'm just listening to the CD I made from JD's CDs... wow. That was just odd sentancing. One of the songs I have on here is "Defying Gravity" from Wicked. He doesn't have the soundtrack, he has, like, the best of Broadway. I bought the book, like, a year ago and I really want to read it, but it just kills me. There is so much... book to it. I bought the book probably around the time the musical was really popular and I saw the book and read the back and I was like, "Wow, this looks awesome!" But I didn't know it was a musical and I was carrying it around school and people were talking to me about the musical and I had no idea what the hell was going on. Anyway, I have been wanting the soundtrack, so I went to the website, but it was like, $25, which is ridiculous, so I looked around Amazon and found it for, like, $13. New, even. So, yea, not a tough decision.

"Wo-ow, Black Betty! Ba-lam-ba-lam!" That damn song has been stuck in my head for, like, a fucking week and it is driving me insane, but I just saw that Phil has it on his computer. Kickass.

Anyway, Phil looks like he's ready to head on out of the piece, so I'll probably be back later.

Snort the mooncrack.


P.S. No spell check on Phil's computer, so sorry about that.