Revolutions (Dance Dance and Cho)
Monday, Jan. 17, 2005: 9:46 p.m.

Okay, so the party thing went pretty well. I didn�t spend the night, as I thought I wouldn�t. We played Dance Dance Revolution which, if you have never played, you should. It�s such an awesome game. I want to save up some money to buy it and a foot pad. Then at my prom party, I can have someone else bring another foot pad and we can have to people play at a time. Damn, it will be so fun!

Anyway, we played a bit of that, but mostly we just kind of sat around and talked. I left around 9:30 PM with JD and Jackie. Eddie came over and we all watched Spiderman 2 with her roommate Rachel and her boyfriend, get this, Wesley. It was pretty funny because they have a big three cushion couch that looks to fit about five people and a two cushion couch that fits two. Instead of us sitting on the big couch, me, JD and Eddie were all twisted and overlapping each other sitting on the loveseat. We did a lot of talking throughout and I think this irritated Jackie�s roommate and her boyfriend. Eddie had to go a little bit before the movie was over, which made me sad because he�s so damn funny. Jackie went to bed because she had to get up for the parade this morning. JD and I stayed up until about 4:00 AM eating pizza, drinking Vodka and watching Margaret Cho. �This is not the salad of my people!� (Guys, �Cho Revolution,� damn funny.) We woke up this morning around 7:30, went to lay down in Jackie�s bed, didn�t fall asleep, got back up, ate more pizza, tried to find her copy of Dance Dance Revolution. We found the foot pad, but not the game so we played Kingdom Hearts for a little while and left her house around 11:00 AM.

I came home, folded some laundry, talked on the phone a lot (mainly with my sister) and watched the Alien 3 (I wish that I could make that an exponent. I usually call it �Alien Cubed� or �Alien to the Third Power� because the three is an exponent.) I fell a sleep about two thirds of the way through it. The plot to third one is kind of lame� in fact it�s really lame. However, turns out that it is the first film directed by David Fincher (director of SE7EN and Fight Club), so that�s pretty cool, I guess. Plus, Sigourney Weaver looked awesome with a shaved head. She has a different haircut in every one of those movies. Aliens, which is the second one, is still my favorite.

I need to look at my script, we are supposed to be off book tomorrow.

Oh! One more thing, though! I am proud to tell you that Mooncrack will very shortly become a domain! Yay! If you go to �,� it should bring you straight here! I am so excited! Tell your friends!

Snort the mooncrack.