I Am Jack's Complete Lack of Motivation
Sunday, Oct. 16, 2005: 8:39 p.m.

I have this paper due tomorrow and I am not even half way done, but I just cannot bring myself to continue working on it. It is boring the shit out of me; and every-damn-time I go to work on it, I just have to start doing something completely different. It is driving me fucking nuts and I know I will wind up staying up all night and being tired as hell tomorrow. I have so much shit to do and I feel like I am one hundred percent overwhelmed with life and college. I feel like there is something that I want, but I don�t know what it is. Does that make any sense? Probably not. I think I want something to eat, but I have no fucking money. Blah.

For those of you on MySpace who have yet to hear the song on my profile: listen to it. If you are looking at the Mooncrack.com/Diaryland site, click the link to the MySpace site and listen to the song on the profile. If you guys have never heard the majesty that is Art Lord & the Self-Portraits, you�ve no idea what you are missing. They fucking rock. That song has been stuck in my head for the past week and I just keep listening to it over and over again. Yes, I know, that could, perhaps, be the reason it is stuck in my head.

Anyway, I think I am done here. I need to go be unmotivated elsewhere.

Snort the mooncrack.

