Jessica A's New Diary and Some Other Shiz
Wednesday, Jun. 16, 2004: 12:44 p.m.

I fixed up Jessica A's diary. Yay! Check it out here or click the link at the bottom pf my page. She's been working on it for a couple weeks now, I'm so proud. But I found a nice new layout for her. Yay! She says she's coming to Wilmington this weekend, I'm so excited! I've not seen her since she moved in January and I was very sad. She roxxors my boxxors. I just love her, she's so awesome. Check out her diary, you guys.

I'm working on a new story. (Yay! Cheal! Yay!) I've not really written anything since I took Creative Writing (oddly enough.) I used to write all the time, but that bitch of a teacher totally got me out of writing for the sheer entertainment of it. We had to write stories to move people, or with a deeper meaning and all that crap. That woman traumatized me out of writing all together. But I just recently decided that it was time to start a new story. Even though every time I write one, it disappears. Cornhole.

I think Quills has inspired me to write again. Anyone who doesn't know, Quills is the best movie ever made. Mariangela is going to direct it as her last show before she moves to Chicago (which makes me very, very, very sad. Alas.) But I'm helping a bunch. She told me that I needed to cast it, and I did. I cast all but two parts, which she cast because they were the only two parts that she had already had in her mind to cast. Booya. (I've been saying that a lot. "Booya.")

My hair came out dark enough to be called black. My mom has tried not to say anything about it. I know she hates it. I think it looks really good. It makes me want to always wear black eye liner and red lipstick, though. Even when I'm not going anywhere, it just looks so damned cool. I really do like it. I don't think it's too dark for my skin because my hair is finally the same color as my eyebrows. I don't have thick, nasty eyebrows, mind you, they're just black. I happen to have very nice eyebrows.

Dude. I finally discovered the wonderfulness that is Torrid. Goddamn, I wish we had one here. I wish there was at least one in North Carolina. Dude, it's owned by Hot Topic and it's like a mix between Hot Topic and Lane Bryant, my two favorite stores in the world. It's like a fat punk girl's dream come true. I'm trying my damnedest to get Mom to sit down in here with me and look at some stuff and let me order it.

Man, I need to get my Spain and Portugal pictures developed. All these people are like, "Send me pictures! Send me pictures!" and I'm like, "I don't have pictures! I don't have pictures!"

I saw Deliverance, finally. It wasn't as funny as Jessie and Alyssa had led me to believe. I mean, yea, the butt rape thing was kinda funny because of the hillbilly going "WHEEEEEEE! WHEEEEEE!" and I laughed pretty hard at the whole "You sure do have a perty mouth" thing, but other than that, I was disappointed. What else? I saw Monster. It was weird. I guess it was okay though. All movies based on true stories about serial killers are the same. It was just like Dahmer. But I told some girl in my Drama class that I wanted to see Monster and she's like, "No! No! There's this really nasty lesbian scene! It's really gross!" I saw it anyway because it seemed interesting. And that big, long, nasty lesbian scene was about two minutes of Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci making out and grabbing each others' boobs. I've seen worse. I also saw Scary Movie 3 again. I swear it's the funniest one. It's really short though. It's a little longer than an hour and ten minutes. But it's so funny.

HEY PEOPLE! GO ASK ASSCLOWNS SOME FLIPPIN' QUESTIONS! I swear, I love running Assclowns, but it doesn't do me any good if no one asks questions.

I'm so irritated that I never got to go see Kill Bill: Volume 2 while it was still in theaters.

I'm searching Diaryland for other fans of Quills. If someone else has the comment I do, I'll try and talk to them. I love it when people use a quote from the movie to describe the movie. I've got, "The most impure tale ever to spread from the mind of a man." Hot damn, I love that movie.

Anyway, I think I'm about done here. I've got pop-ups out the whazoo and I want to go watch a movie or work on my new story.

Snort the mooncrack.