Irritated Update... Part II?
Friday, Oct. 03, 2003: 6:32 p.m.

Hey you guys. I know that I haven't posted in forever, but to tell you the truth I have nothing to post about. I hope to get to a scanner sometime soon with all the pics I want for my layout, but Cheal needs to figure out how she's going to do it. I want do a picture album type thing, with real pictures of me and what not. It'll be uber cool.

I joined Curves this week. It's an all female gym. I love it and I better lose some flab. I just want to lose weight for prom. I've gotten some muscle. It's cool. I like to flex my arms just to poke them. It's not much, but it's better than it has been.

This Tuesday is my birthday. Yay! Sweet 16! I really get the feeling it won't be all that sweet. I'm trying to coordinate my whole life around Rocky Horror. Doing this play downtown is so cool and I feel so great about being in it, but it is so hard to do the play and to do homework and to do projects and work out all week, it's so hard. I have no time on my hands to clean the house and my room looks worse now than it usually does. Mom tries to make me feel like I do nothing around the house. Yes, I understand that she works. But I am at school the same time that she is at work, plus, I have to go to rehersal and I work out. I don't have as much time as she does or as much as she likes to think that I do. But somehow, I'm supposed to do the cleaning of the entire house and just don't have time for it. I get home at the same time as her. I have to do homework, she doesn't. I have to go to rehersal anywhere from 2-3 1/2 hours, she just has to drive me. I have to come home, finish any unfinished homework and work on my projects before I go to sleep. She can at least cut me a little slack while I am in this play. It's insane. If I only had to wash my dishes and do my laundry, it would be a lot easier, but no.

Enough bitching. It won't change. I have to finish the laundry so she might let me have people spend the night tomorrow for my pathetic party.

Snort the mooncrack.