I Lowered My Cholesterol
Sunday, Jun. 15, 2003: 3:04 p.m.

I just got back from "errands" with Phil and Jessie. Phil is such an asshole. He's always really sweet or a total ass, both are really annoying. Me and Jessie were going to play a little game called "Kenan Elzabeth." He told us he was going to take us to Wal*Mart. He only let us run in to drop off my film. Then he said he was going to take us to Best Buy, so we were going to play there, but he didn't take us. The only places he took us were Expressions and Barnes & Noble. We went to the kid section and played with the trains. That didn't work well. The track didn't work well so everytime we tried to get the train around a corner, the whole damn thing flew into the floor. We ran off to go find Phil and the sex section. That made us giggle. Phil was buying some thing about learning French. He's listening to it right now. It's gay. It's funny listening to him try to say it, because he can't. Ha.

Alyssa, Jessie and I tried to have a retarded movie marathon yesterday. That didn't work and I knew it wouldn't. That's one thing I don't like about them reading this (which I know that you are). I can never complain about them. Phooey.

I have nothing interesting to talk about. God, I wish we had air conditioning. I want to go to Kelly's. Her mom was like "Any time you want to sit in air conditioning just call us. We'd love to have you over!" Her mom loves me. Her whole family does. Speaking of Kelly, she just got online. I don't want to leave the house right before my mom comes home, because then she'll say that I was gone all day and no one knew where I was. She might let me go over there tonight though, 'cause Larry's coming here. She wanted us to clean today. I folded some laundry today and washed all the dishes. Damnit, I was just about to ask Kelly if I could come over, but she's not online anymore. Plus, I think she's in New York, visiting her dad. Poop. Alyssa's in Holly Ridge. I'm here with Phil and his French Audio intruders. Jessie is supposed to go driving today. Kelly is in New York. Jackie is in New York. Phil is walking around saying "Hello, my name is Philippe Kernisan and I am American." in French. Stupid French.

The Conversatron is irritating me lately. I've not been on in months. I go there, they don't post me. They never post me anyway, but now they're hardly posting anything. They're boring, and the True Meaning of Life is no better. I can't find any good boards to post on and laugh at.

For the first time ever, I read an entry on Zach's site, hurts like fire. I found out that it is pretty damn funny. I had it linked because it's Zach, but I actually read it and found that it is funny. So you people should go read it.

Anywho, enough bitching for now.

Snort the mooncrack.

