Independance Day and the Mangled Barbie Festival
Saturday, Jul. 05, 2003: 10:26 p.m.

If you clicked my banner, please sign my tagboard. If you don't sign my tagboard, I'll develop a stutter. P-p-please don't do this to me. ;_; Read the entry too, it's funny! Actually, I wouldn't know, I've not written it yet.

I don't really want to post, but, hey, why the fuck not? I've nothing better to do. Man, I've been "jonesin'" to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas lately. I have a burned CD with some songs on it from the movie and I've been listening to them on repeat for the past hour. God, I want to watch that movie. Kelly has it, she said she'd let me borrow it. ^_^ I need to set her up a diary. It would kick severe ass.

I know you want to read about my adventures from Independance Day, especially Jessie and Alyssa. They already know about the adventures because they were with me, but hell, why not tell you, anyway. Okay, well basically, we walked around a lot yesterday, waiting for it to get dark. We ate food. Yay. Good food. Anyway, after Jessie's dad finished cooking her and Lyssa's food (he waited long enough) we headed to my house to watch my bro shoot off fireworks. Along with us we brought with us our own Special Limited Editon "Everything In My Hair" Barbie, "Burn Victim" Barbie and "Satanic Shark Attack" Barbie. (Jessie and Lyssa, it's my site, I'll call it whatever I want.) "Everything In My Hair" Barbie is exactly as she sounds... almost. She's half Barbie, half McDonald's/Disney "Mulan" action figure. Any who, I had taken the head off of one of Jessie's Barbies (long ago) and placed it over the head of the Mulan action figure. So it was this freakish midgette thing. Then, Jessie and Alyssa took all sorts of Barbie accessories (Shoes, boombox, purse, boot, ski, picket fence, etc.) and burned them, which melted them down and stuck them in the Barbie's hair; hince the name "Everything In My Hair" Barbie. Well in addition to shoes, boombox, purse, boot, ski, picket fence, etc., we taped an M-8000 into little Ms. "Everything In My Hair" Barbie's hair. The results were quite satisying. Not only did she have and nifty explosion in her hair, but she also caught on fire after the explosion, melting some hair onto her face, or face into her hair, depending on how you look at it. Now she really is "Everything In My Hair" Barbie. Another victim of our Barbie cruelty, "Burn Victim" Barbie, her results were the best. It makes me wish we had taken before and after pictures. Jessie and Lyssa have yet to see the full results, it was dark. "Burn Victim" Barbie had originally been dressed in a singed yellow dress with slitley singed yellow hair and a black face with staples in it. Also, she just so happened to have a hole cut in her mouth. So, naturally, I opened the mouth all the way and shoved in two "Jumping Jack" Fireworks, as well as one in her knoted golden locks. Well, she was lit and thrown into the yard. After her explosion, her whole tiny Barbie body burst into flame. We didn't bother to put her out which resulted in the complete mangled new complection she has now. The rubber face is completely black and has odd bubbles in it. Scary really, it melted and kind of... leaned to one side as it was doing said melting, causing her head to be one large lump of this black bubbling mass with golden locks mixed into it. You'd be utterly suprised at how well Barbies burn. Last, and certainly least, was the expected yet uneventful space exploration of "Satanic Shark Attack" Barbie. She was originally an Ariel Barbie of Disney's Little Mermaid. Her eyes had been colored red, Jessie removed one leg in some odd Barbie amputation surgery and I pulled all the rubber of the other leg, or the "skin" if you will. Also, she was given a brown pipe cleaner tail and an oxygen tank had been burned onto her in the same fashion as "Everything In My Hair" Barbie's... hair. Well, "Satanic Shark Attack" Barbie was duct taped to a bottle rocket. We were very excited about her flying into the night sky and being blown to bits. Well, that did NOT happen. She was too heavy to be lifted into the air so the bottle rocket flew into the yard, shooting sparks at everyone. We probably deserved it for trying to mangle the Barbies in this cruel fashion anyway. Continuing, all that happened was she did a few flips but was not damaged, especially not in any way compareably to that of "Everything In My Hair" Barbie and/or "Burn Victim" Barbie, or as I now like to call her "Ultimate Burn Victim" Barbie or "Supremely Mangled Burn Victim" Barbie. Well the night was finished by playing Hide and Go Seek in the dark with the only light being fireworks. If I had a boyfriend and we were alone, I would have considered it romantic. Not the Hide and Go Seek, the fireworks. Anyway, the Hide and Go Seek was unbelievably fun. I suggest you play it in the dark sometime, you'll have a lot more fun than you'd ever think you could have playing Hide and Go Seek. I took a step ladder to a tree and hid there. Let me tell you, I will never do that again, no sir. Alyssa and Jessie were below me (Jessie was it) on opposite sides of a hauling trailer, discussing who should run first. My ass was so sore, you'd think I had a tree limb shoved up it... oh wait, I did, that's why it was so goddamned sore. Anyway, though it's extremely uncomfortable, I found it to be an excellent hiding spot, but that's it for the Independance Day adventures.

Mom saw my cartilage peircing today. She wasn't mad, I knew she wouldn't be. She thought I'd been hiding it for two weeks. I was like "Mom, I can't hide anything from you that long! I've only had it two days!" lol. She's not mad though, and Lyssa, I told her you did it, but don't worry, she's not mad. She actually thinks you were very smart about it considering all the sterilizing and what not. The only thing I've hidden from her for a long time was when I failed those two classes Freshman year. Jessie, remember that? Sneaking out of the damn house everytime she called my name for, like, two months. lol. But it all turned out good.

Anyway, this entry has been long enough.

Snort the mooncrack.


**Note: "Everything In My Hair" Barbie, "Burn Victim" Barbie, "Satanic Shark Attack" Barbie, "Ultimate Burn Victim" Barbie, and "Supremely Mangled Burn Victim" Barbie are not real names for Mattel's Barbie. Barbie is a trademark of Mattel and I did not mean anything against Mattel in my naming of said Barbies. Please refer to my disclaimer. I'm a poor teenage girl, please don't sue my mommy. ;_;