Hoy! Mas Twinkies!
2002-07-18: 2:42 p.m.

Okay people. What's up? Not alot going on in here. I finally got a new notebooke to write in. I was going to use it to write to Angel, but I don't think I have anything to say. Man, Jessie is starting to irritate me. Okay, the other day I invited her and her friend Alyssa over to watch Excel Saga with me because I thought she's like the cracktasticness of it. Well she doesn't like anime but I told her to watch it and just see. Well Alyssa loves anime so she was watching it. Jessie didn't watch it at all and she was just staring at an old yearbook the whole time and she's just like "This is boring, I'm gonna go home." and she left and Alyssa stayed to watch it and she's talking to me about it now, read this.

Jessie: hey

Me: hello

Jessie: did alyssa say anything about me when i left? she was being a bitch yestrday saying i was being a jerk the other day

Me: naw, she didn't say anything

Jessie: oh

Jessie: do you think i was benig a jerk?

Jessie: because i left?

Me: you weren't really watching it and you said it sucked, you were looking at a yearbook

Jessie: I told you I dont like Anime, so i left so you guys could watch it.

Jessie: I told her that and she said i was being a jerk because of that

Jessie: I havent seen her in 2 days

Jessie: well anywayz

Me: that's just it, you say it like it's all the same and it's not

Jessie: i dont like the annimations of it

Jessie: and those are all the same

Me: that's not a very good excuse

Jessie: yes it is

Me: no it isn't. what if i said that shows with real people are dumb because they all look the same

Me: it's a dumbass excuse, isn't it?

Jessie signed off at 2:44:03 PM.

Meh. I figured she's do this. I think she doesn't want me and Alyssa to hang out because she thinks that we will hang out with each other more and leave her out. I think Kelly is my best friend now. (Aside from Angel, of course. ^_~) She's the only one that lives around here that doesn't ever start stupid shit or get offended by dumb things like that. She's awesome.

Man, I've been hanging out with Gailmi and staying up all night for the past two weeks. She's fun. We've been staying up and playing video games all night and quoting "Slovin and Allen" from Comedy Central presents and last night we kept saying at random points, "Plutonium! You're not foolin'!" and "Hoy! Mas twinkies!" It was so fun. We've been doing that every night and we hang out with mom from when she wakes until she leaves for work. Phil was an asshole to her so I'm gonna hang with her for a bit.
