Happy 2nd Birthday!
Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2003: 11:21 p.m.

I had my first day of school yesterday and second day of school today. Gosh durn it was fun. Also, I got Bessy back today 'cause Gailmi came home. Yay!

Dude, Jessie and I have English together next semester. That should be exciting, huh? lol. Jackie and I have Drama II and Advanced Drama together. Nick and Cory are in Teacher Cadet with me. Hot damn, is that fun. That class is awesome. No one has the same lunch as me. But that's okay, because all the people I hate have second lunch, too. So I won't be stuck with them. Kelly is switching a bunch of classes around so we can have them together. That'll rock, huh? She needs to post before I beat her with a stick. The only people I know of the 35 in my Biology class, I only know two. One of them is also in my Geometry class. Ian and Marie are in that class with me and according to role call, so is Daniel B. I really hope he is. He's the person I hung out with last year in Algebra and Earth/ Enviromental Science. He's so funny.

Anywho, that's all for now.

Wait a tick...

Wow, as of ten days ago, Mooncrack is two years old! Happy birthday, Mooncrack!

Snort the mooncrack.

