Good Graphics=Bad Movie
Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004: 10:42 p.m.

Dude. Okay, I borrowed Jurassic Park from Jessie, because I'd not seen it in forever and we've been talking about that movie lately. Okay? I forgot how creepy that movie was. Kids now adays don't appriciate good movies anymore like Jurassic Park, E.T., Labirynth, and Army of Darkness. It's all about graphics, no plot line. It's sad. I remember when graphic sucked and movies kicked ass. It's sad. Even Steven Spielberg, dude. His old movies were so much better because the effects sucked and the plot was good. And since the plot was good, it made the effects seem that much better. Kick ass graphics can't save a plot. That's why the 2nd and 3rd Matrix movies were so hella lame. Their like, "Dude, who cares about plot when we can have 100,000,000 Agent Smiths watch one Agent Smith fight Neo! Shweet!" Now, I'm not saying that the fight scene didn't kick total ass, because it did, but it didn't save the movie. Anywho, back to Spielberg. Think about Jaws, E.T., and Jurassic Park, like the three highest gorssing films of all time and they were so kick ass, they're like, the best movies ever. Compare to: AI: Artificial Intellegence. It sucked ass. Graphics were awesome as hell, but the plot? None. It was like... six hours of my life I will never get back.

You know what else I got to thinking about? You remember back in the day when videos didn't have previews? You didn't have to fast forward or sit through a half hour of crappy good graphic movies that are coming out that you don't want to see. You pop it in and sit your lazy ass on the couch and watch When Harry Met Sally or whatever it was that you were gonna watch and you would watch it. That was awesome. Man... I miss the old days.

Anywho, that's all I really wanted to talk about.

Snort the mooncrack.