What's Going Down? Not Much Here Either.
Sunday, Sept. 22, 2002: 6:46 p.m.

Wow. The boredom reigns itself upon me like water in rainstorm. I hate the week because I have school and yet I hate the weekend because there's nothing to do. I have all these people to talk to and see what's going down tomorrow. I have to grab my pictures, take some more, see what the hell is going down with John... my shirts I ordered from Land's End are supposed to get here tomorrow too. I doubt they will, but they're supposed to... I have a really boring life, don't I?

I watched BIG last night. I hadn't seen it in years. It's cute. It is pretty funny. I love watching movies that I watched when I was little and I never really understood. I watch them now and I remember all this stuff from watching it when I was little, but I get them now.

I've decided that I don't need a boyfriend, I need a life. The reason I automatically think of a boyfriend is because that takes up a good deal of time. Phone, internet, movies and what not. I guess I don't really want one, but I want someone to hang out with and girls are getting on my damn nerves because all they do is complain about how they need boyfriends or that they're fat or if they have boyfriends, talk about them. JES-US. I guess getting a boyfriend isn't really getting a life either if the first thought after that was "get a life," huh? Still, I'm not saying if someone asked me out *hint hint* *wink wink* I'd say "no." 'Cause I probably wouldn't, but who am I kidding? No one wants to ask me out. *shrug* Homonial babbling, nothing I loathe more.

Snort the mooncrack.

