Drinking Bacardi Raz, Eating Hot Wings
Saturday, Feb. 07, 2004: 2:34 a.m.

Hey all. I'm sittin' up at two in the morning, eating hot wings and drinking bacardi raz. I tried to get people over, but none of my friends really like me, so no one came. I'm not suprised, and really, not upset, but I think that's the bacardi. I just burped and it was not a pleasent taste. I'm willing to bet money that my breath smells like ass.

Anywho, I went to the Rainbow Youth meeting tonight. Hot damn. We didn't really do anything, but it was SO fun. We watched this movie called But I'm A Cheerleader. My God. Fucking hilarious. Its about this girl who is a lesbian, but doesn't think it's possible because she's a cheerleader, so her parents send her to this camp to turn her straight. My God. It's got RuPaul in it, but he's not himself, he's not the RuPaul we all know and love him for, he plays a man. It's so funny, he's talking to the girl and he's like, "I used to be... a gay." It was great. I met some cool people. Plus, this dude, Daniel. I don't knwo if I ever wrote about him last year, but he was in my Math class and my Science class last year and we sat next to each other and we used to make fun of JD alot. It was great. Anyway, I never saw him after that, because he moved and goes to Ashley now, but he was there. Brian was introducing me to everyone and Daniel saw me and he was like, "STEPHANIE?!?!?" And I was like, "DANIEL?!?!?!" And we were all laughing and huggingand stuff. He's so damned funny. He's, like, the president or something important like that.

Man, I'm hot. When I finish eating hot wings, I'm gonna take a shower, I might get another bacardi. I'm about finished with my second one.

You know what song is really good? "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" by The Darkness. It's great. I like it a lot. Download it.

I wish my computer wasn't hella lame and it had sound. I'd so be watching homestar runner right now.

My cheek hurts.

Am I babbling?

Anyway, I'm finished here... I think.

Snort the mooncrack.

